Sunday, March 17, 2013


I have been keeping my weight between 199-200lbs. I go up then back down to those numbers. I am still with LA fitness and now 24hr fitness teaching cycle and water. I really love it. I have a personal trainer to help with doing weights since I suck at doing them by my self.

here is my new picture at 199lbs

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Healthy Habits

I been working on my food. Making sure I log into my fitness pal every day. Logging in all my food no matter what.  I found if I eat my biggest meal at lunch and then around dinner eat a light snack I do better then when I eat a light lunch and a heavy dinner.  I am also making sure I get in enough water, drinking water is the most important thing I can do. I have a bottle that holds a 1L and well that is 33.8 fl oz and I fill it up about 5-8 times a day.

I am also making sure I dont slack off on my workouts. Working out is very important. I am still teaching at LA Fitness and I LOVE IT.

My weight is 207 right now. SO VERY CLOSE TO MY 199lb GOAL. I just cant wait to see that number. I think I might cry when I do.  I weigh less then my husband now Yeaa. I make jokes with him about it.

I just keep reminding myself this is going to be my new life , I need to remember in life we have good days and bad and I cant let these bad days effect me. I am learning how to move past them. If I want to stay healthy and stay at a healthy weight I have to always live my life like this, always tracking food, always pushing myself to keep going.

I been wanting to buy a bike, I told myself once I hit that 199lbs I am buying myself a bike. The LA Fitness I  work at is really only 5 mins away, I been walking to it when I go to work but I really want to start riding a bike to work and I think my 18 month old son would really enjoy that too. He gets excited when I tell him we are going for our walk, he climbs right into the stroller and loves it.

This is all about learning healthy habits and teaching them to my boys. As I learn them they will learn them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Challenges

I have been working at LA Fitness teaching cycle. Well I asked my boss about getting certified to teach water aerobics and she said yes I need instructors. So she trained me. I will be getting my certification for it this month as with my boot camp /group fitness certification and step aerobics. At around Feb/March I will be getting my personal training certification.

So I am teaching cycle 2 days week, boot camp 1 day a week , water 2 times a week and step once a week. plus if they need a sub I take those classes as well. I will be really busy but the best thing is I get to help others lose weight and get healthy and that is something I really want to do. It is a long hard road and I understand how hard it is to lose weight and I understand what others go though being obese. It is not easy to fight the binge eating, the bored eating etc. Understanding it cause I have over come it is the first process in helping others.

my weight went all the way to 208 (the same weight as my husband) but then went back up to 211 cause well I have not been watching what I eat and was just eating anything and everything. I was not even hungry just felt like eating and would just eat. It is a working process. Emotion is a hard battle and when your emotion is out of control you just have the erge to eat. Trying to learn to over come it is the new battle.

I will get back down to 208 and I will get to my end of the year goal of 199lbs. It will happen.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

120lbs are GONE!

Yep I woke up and did my normal morning weigh in. The number I saw on that scale was just too good. I almost started crying. 210lbs. Finally after weeks and weeks of working my butt off, I finally see 210.

So I have lost 120lbs in 17 months. It has been a long road but I am almost there. Just 2 more pounds and I will weigh less then my husband. And my end of the yr goal is 199lbs.

I think teaching the cycle class at LA fitness every Tuesday and Thursday morning plus subbing 1-2 classes a week it really helping me keep this weight off.

Time to get to my goal weight.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Muslim bathing suit

I finally got my muslim bathing suit in the mail. Now I am ready to start the swimming part of my triathlon training.