I got stuck at 260lbs for 1 whole month. The longest month ever. January I still hate you, you will always be known as the month I was stuck at 260lbs.
So I did a all juice fast for 1 week in hopes of getting out of this stupid Plateau. OH it didn't work. I upped my calories. It didn't work. I lower my calories. It didn't work.
Sarah the wise one told me stop messing around put my calories at 1500 and leave it there longer then 3 days. I did I left it there for the whole month. I watched the scale everyday. Everyday I saw 260lbs.
I got depressed. I cried. I wanted to give up. I wanted to stop working out and just eat a whole cake and just get fat again. but I came to far to give up.
I talked a instructor at 24 hr fitness(she teaches the best pilates class ever) and goes you might have a thyroid problem, she gives me the name of her doctor. I made a appt.
In the meantime, I made it to 255lbs. Oh yes wise Sarah was right. I was changing things to fast and my body was confused. Then I got stuck.
February the month of love is now the month of the 255lbs. I was once again stuck. I would go up 2 lbs back down 2 lbs. I would go under by 2lbs then back up to 2lbs. I started the cycle all over again. The depression came back.
So I said I lost 75lbs on my own. I am lost. I cant figure out the balance anymore. The Plateau wont go away and stay away. I join Weight Watchers. Now this the help of WW I start to think ok it worked for me before, it will work for me again.
Start weight at WW 257lbs. My first weigh in 255lbs. I think of fuck me I am back at the stupid weight but WW is going congrats you lost 2lbs. I go no I didn't I been doing this all month. I joined WW to get away from the 255 pound weight. My 2nd weigh in oh I dropped .2 onces no joke. I wanted to scream then cry. 3rd weigh in finially 252lbs oh thank god maybe WW is finially starting to work? my 4th weigh in 247lbs why yes WW is starting to work. I am no longer in this plateau. I am finally feeling good about myself again and thinking I can do this.
I now dropped 80lbs.
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