Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Challenges

I have been working at LA Fitness teaching cycle. Well I asked my boss about getting certified to teach water aerobics and she said yes I need instructors. So she trained me. I will be getting my certification for it this month as with my boot camp /group fitness certification and step aerobics. At around Feb/March I will be getting my personal training certification.

So I am teaching cycle 2 days week, boot camp 1 day a week , water 2 times a week and step once a week. plus if they need a sub I take those classes as well. I will be really busy but the best thing is I get to help others lose weight and get healthy and that is something I really want to do. It is a long hard road and I understand how hard it is to lose weight and I understand what others go though being obese. It is not easy to fight the binge eating, the bored eating etc. Understanding it cause I have over come it is the first process in helping others.

my weight went all the way to 208 (the same weight as my husband) but then went back up to 211 cause well I have not been watching what I eat and was just eating anything and everything. I was not even hungry just felt like eating and would just eat. It is a working process. Emotion is a hard battle and when your emotion is out of control you just have the erge to eat. Trying to learn to over come it is the new battle.

I will get back down to 208 and I will get to my end of the year goal of 199lbs. It will happen.

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