Thursday, March 29, 2012

Eating for your Blood Type

After talking with my good friend Sarah she mentioned maybe I am still in a plateau cause I am eating against my blood type. It is a huge numbers game and with some science mixed in. After a google search I found some great info. Well it pretty much makes since I don't eat for my blood type I eat against it.

This is what I found out....

We now know that blood type O is the oldest blood type in the history of humanity. They were the meat eaters of the human race, and this trait has been handed down though the centuries to modern man.
Blood type A was the more herbivorous kind, as migration to Europe and Asia from Africa meant that Type A people slowly developed systems that were better at digesting carbs as against O type people, whose digestive systems handled meat better than fruits and vegetables.
The third blood group in the human race is blood type B. The movement from eastern Africa continued past Europe and Asia toward the Himalayas, which is a part of India, Nepal, Tibet, and Pakistan today. This was a move from hot to cold climates, and it is believed that blood type B may have been a mutation based on this climatic change. Blood type B also established its presence in the Ural region of Asia, where the populace was a mix of Mongolian and Caucasian tribes.
The Mongolians moved through Asia and dominated the Eurasian Plains, and soon blood type B was as good as set in this segment of people. The northward movement heralded more animal domestication, so the diet slowly turned more toward dairy and meat.
This blood type has the clearest geographical outline as compared to others. Japan, China, Mongolia and India have the maximum B type group people with the Koreans and Chinese of North heading the list. Further west, blood group B is seen in people, where there is evidence of Asian nomadic migration.
B type people are flexible. They can adapt to their environment quite easily. This is the outcome of the ancient tribes who were learning to balance both a vegetable and animal-centric diet.
Diet for the B type
Stressful situations result in higher levels of cortisol being released in the system. Excess cortisol makes people react to stress in a negative manner, which leads to further psychological imbalance.
There are some Lectins that are sensitive to B type blood. To ensure that neither of the two affect your overall health, it’s best to follow a diet that avoids food that has high levels of toxicity.
Type B people are also quite prone to infections of the sinus, urinary tract, E.Coli, and influenza. Most antigens have blood Type B-like characteristics, and since bacterial antigens don’t attack those that resemble their own, B group people are vulnerable to them.
Overall, people with blood type B type are known to be sturdy. They can usually resist most of the present day lifestyle diseases like cancer and heart troubles.  If they follow the required diet and ensure a balanced lifestyle, most people with blood type B can live long healthy lives.
B blood type people can break down fats easily. They have high levels of the bone strengthening enzyme called intestinal alkaline phosphotase. However, they have insulin issues too, so foods with high glucose content should be eaten only in moderation. A lot of B type people are of African American descent, which means they may or may not be lactose intolerant too. In such cases, care has to taken when consuming dairy products.
Grapefruit and guava are good sources of beneficial lycopenes, while dried apricots are an excellent snack.  Fish and seafood are good sources of protein, and kidney and navy beans are good because they do not have lectins like other beans and legumes.
Blood type B people can include variety of foods in their diets.  In fact, the diet for blood type B is considered the most balanced and wholesome diet as compared to other groups. Given below are foods that they should avoid and foods that are good for them:
Foods to avoid
  • Tomatoes, wheat, corn, lentils, buckwheat, peanuts, sesame seeds
  • Shellfish, chicken
  • Beans and legumes, grains and starches, avocados
  • Persimmons, Pomegranates, Star fruit, and Prickly pear
  • Cinnamon, Pepper, Sesame oil, Sunflower oil and Corn oil
Foods that work well for B type people
  • Green vegetables
  • Deep sea fish
  • Low fat dairy, and eggs
  • Rice milk, rice bran, rice flour, millet, oats
  • Onions, artichokes, parsnip
  • Olive oil, flaxseed oil
  • Grapes, figs, and dates can be eaten in moderation
  • Goat meat, lamb, turkey, venison
Corn, buckwheat, sesame seeds, peanuts and lentils are known to cause weight gain and affect the metabolic rate of people with blood type B. They may also result in problems like hypoglycemia, fatigue, and water retention. Your blood sugar level may also go down after you eat a meal comprising one or more of these foods.
Nuts and seeds like peanuts and sesame seeds have lectins that might interfere with inusiln production in blood type B. Tomatoes are known to affect the stomach lining and therefore, should be eliminated from the diet. Wheat also should be avoided because it contains lectins that bring down insulin efficiency and hamper the fat burning process of the body.
Although a lean meat, chicken contains a lectin in its muscle tissue that causes agglutination in blood type B. This agglutinating lectin can cause immunity-related problems and even strokes in people with blood type B. Shesllfish also contains lectins that are disruptive for blood type and therefore, should be avoided.
On the good side, blood type B is most tolerant to and benefits from all types of dairy products. Deep ocean are good for them and green vegetables, deep sea fish, low fat dairy, and eggs promote weight loss. Also, replacing chicken with goat meat, lamb, turkey, and venison is more beneficial for blood type B.
The B blood type digestive system is tolerant, which means it can handle both animal and vegetable carbohydrates and proteins. Their immune system is strong is capable of resisting most chronic degenerative illnesses. The system works best when one does moderate exercises like swimming, tennis, hiking, and cycling. The blood type B people are lucky because they can eat a far more varied diet than their brethren in type A and type O.

So after reading this next week I am going to take out all the NO NO foods. which 90% of my diet and replace it with the good foods. by doing this I can also stay within my points on Weight Watchers and with in my calories on My Fitness Pal. So this is doable. I am really tired of looking at 246 it has been 1 very very long month of seeing that same number. April is coming up and well I can so do this just hoping for 5-10 lbs before May 17th right now, I dont think I will make it to 15lbs before then cause of this month long plateau, but I have hope lots of hope.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Another Plateau

So here we are half way done with March still stuck at the same weight. It is so upsetting looking at the scale and see this 1 number for 3 weeks. I am changing up my workout's and my food's. This week I added more cadio, my food this week will be more fish and veggies for dinner, adding more protein.

I had eggs this morning with spinach, cherry tomatoes and avocado on the side. I stopped eating eggs cause I never had time to cook them, well now I am making time to cook them.

For my snacks I am going to eat celery with hummus very light and high in protein.

Dinner this week will be a mixture of baked chicken or fish and a veggie.

Oh the best part is I wont be tracking anything I eat in my WW app or my fitness pal app. I feel like maybe a brake from tracking might do me some good.

This weekend we are going out of town taking the boys to sea world, I will do a lot of walking and making good food choices. Sunday before heading home we will stop at the river walk eat lunch walk around a bit then head to the Alamo were we will do even more walking.  So after my week/weekend of no tracking I pray it will show I have lost some kinda of weight. This will just have to be a great week/weekend no matter what.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The New Callenge

I am 246.6lbs right now. My challenge is to be 230lbs or under by May 17, 2012. That will be 100lbs lost. The hard part is I some times set myself up to fail, so it is one step back 2 steps forward. I think oh yes I lost weight this week let me go celebrate with FOOD. I can't do that, I will never be able to do that. That is my step back.

So the 100lb challenge. Is weighing on me. It marks a great achievement. It tells me that I have reached my first major Goal in my weight loss. I remember when I set my first goal of 50lbs I hit that and didn't think twice.I didn't get scared, I just didn't think about it. I just told myself ok 10 more pounds to go, I can do this.

Now 80lbs lost. I tell myself 10 more pounds, just 10 more pounds. I think ok Why I am stuck? Why am I rethinking this? What is wrong? What am I scared of? Why am I taking 1 step back every chance I get?

I need to really focus. I need to do what is good for my body and for myself.  I need to lose 100lbs and I know I can lose it by May 17 th 2012. I know I can. I just need to focus on my WW points. I need to focus on the gym.

Besides having kids this is the biggest achievement I have ever did. So I figure if I write it out, I have no choice but to follow through with my 100lb challenge. No backing out now, no more getting scared. This is it!

The heel spur

My youngest son got sick back in December around the holidays. He spent 4 days in the hospital the longest 4 days ever.  Once he was out we rested at home for while. I was pretty much away from the gym for 2 weeks.

Well once I got back into the gym I went to a really hard boot camp class then did a really hard zumba class. The next day my foot was killing me. Everything I walked my heel hurt. Worse pain in my life.  I go to the doctor and get X rays of my foot and yep a heel spur. I get 2 shots of pain medicine in my heel in hope of feeling better. I have good heel days and bad. I can never wear flip flops again. I would need to have surgery on my heel to get rid of the spur.  Which will not happen right now, so I deal with the pain and just keep going on with my weight loss.

The Thyroid

So taking the advice of the pilates instructor I went to see the doctor. He was really nice. He felt my thyroid goes wow that is a really big thyroid and I was like ok is this a good thing?  He orders a ultasound and find out it is enlarged. He goes I need to run a blood test on it.

I think ok they just take blood out of my arm no big deal right. NOPE. I have to lay down they insert the IV line and take out some blood then they inject this hormone that well makes you feel like you are going to faint, pee yourself, and then puke all at one time. The side effects last 30 mins or longer if you are lucky. I was the lucky one it lasted just about 2hrs.  In 15 mins they come back re insert the IV line and take blood. Then in another 15 mins they repeat. Then it is time to go.

The next day I get the test results(fastest doctor ever). I have a low thyroid, thankfully he said not to low, but it is low. I also have the lowest lever of VitD he has ever seen. Yea me right? So my thyroid medicine is 4mg which is a low dose, my vitD medicine is 80,000ul pretty high. I also have to take extra vitmins to help with vitD levels and omage vitmins.

I found out depression, low sex drive, and being tired all the time is all linked to vitD. Well I live in Texas it is hotter then hell here, I am in the sun alot. I figured I was covered with the vitD.

Well I am muslim I am covered from head to toe. The only thing uncovered is my face, hands and feet. So I don't have to worry about skin cancer right, but I guess I should have worried about my vitD levels.

Lesson has been learned for the rest of my life I will always need to take VitD. I will always have to check and keep an eye on my thyroid. It my health. If I want to live until I am 90yrs old this is something I will always have to check. I am ok with that it is important.
lost 80lbs in 9 months.

The plateau

I got stuck at 260lbs for 1 whole month. The longest month ever. January I still hate you, you will always be known as the month I was stuck at 260lbs.

So I did a all juice fast for 1 week in hopes of getting out of this stupid Plateau. OH it didn't work. I upped my calories. It didn't work. I lower my calories. It didn't work.

Sarah the wise one told me stop messing around put my calories at 1500 and leave it there longer then 3 days. I did I left it there for the whole month. I watched the scale everyday. Everyday I saw 260lbs.

I got depressed. I cried. I wanted to give up. I wanted to stop working out and just eat a whole cake and just get fat again. but I came to far to give up.

I talked a instructor at 24 hr fitness(she teaches the best pilates class ever) and goes you might have a thyroid problem, she gives me the name of her doctor. I made a appt.

In  the meantime, I made it to 255lbs. Oh yes wise Sarah was right. I was changing things to fast and my body was confused. Then I got stuck.

February the month of love is now the month of the 255lbs. I was once again stuck. I would go up 2 lbs back down 2 lbs. I would go under by 2lbs then back up to 2lbs. I started the cycle all over again. The depression came back.

So I said I lost 75lbs on my own. I am lost. I cant figure out the balance anymore. The Plateau wont go away and stay away. I join Weight Watchers. Now this the help of WW I start to think ok it worked for me before, it will work for me again.

Start weight at WW 257lbs. My first weigh in 255lbs. I think of fuck me I am back at the stupid weight but WW is going congrats you lost 2lbs. I go no I didn't I been doing this all month. I joined WW to get away from the 255 pound weight. My 2nd weigh in oh I dropped .2 onces no joke. I wanted to scream then cry. 3rd weigh in finially 252lbs oh thank god maybe WW is finially starting to work? my 4th weigh in 247lbs why yes WW is starting to work. I am no longer in this plateau. I am finally feeling good about myself again and thinking I can do this.

I now dropped 80lbs.

Starving yourself

With eating very few calories and burning close to 800 calories a day. My poor body was taking a beating. I was starving. I didn't know it but I was. I had been eating 1000 to 1200 calories a day and with how active I was I was starving my body.

So I would go up to 1500 calories and think ok I will lose weight this way, stay on it for 3 days see the number on the scale go up and back down to 1000 calories and longer hours at the gym. Yes I had a problem. I couldn't find the balance.

There is a balance. But for me I just figured eating less and working out more just meant the fat would fly off. Well I was right it did fly off but at what cost? I hurt my body. I was not losing weight at a healthy rate. I was not losing weight in a healthy way.

I have lost 30lbs in this picture
This is the day I went in for my c section, I weighed 330lbs after the baby I still weighed 330lbs didn't lose anything and he was 8lbs.4 onces.

Everything that keeps me Motivated

What keeps me going? My great friend Sarah. She pretty much started dieting the same time I did. She now has lost 60lbs, GO SARAH and she started the couch to 5k program and is running 25 mins. Sarah keeps me going.

I also decided after I gave to my last child in May 2011 that I was just tired of being fat. I decided that before I hit 30 I will be at my goal weight. I am 28yrs old going to hit 29 in August. I want to be hot and sexy for my 30s and I will be.

My husband Ahmad who even at my fattest always told me I was pretty and sexy. He has always said I can do this and will support me and keep me going. He has not let me down yet.

Carissa as you already know she pushes me in the gym. She really is a great workout buddy. She makes sure to change things up, push your self with heavy weights.

Elizabeth a friend who I have known for a long ass time. She has the same up's and down's as I have,hearing about it from her reminds me  this is life, I will always struggle with weight and over eating, she helps keep me sane and normal and that really truly helps.

Restarted my diet

In September 2011 my youngest son was now 3 months old. I decided to start my diet all over again. Here I was logging into my fitness pal tracking everything. I was doing great. I was only eating 1200 calories a day. I decided to join a gym, I lied about my son's age and I join 24hr Fitness.  I decided I would hit the gym hard and their would be no looking back.

I started off with working out 2 days a week with a friend. Well friend kept bailing on me, so I called another friend Carissa. Well her and myself had a history we didn't get along to well but we were going to make things work out no matter what. She pushed me in the gym and I pushed right back, we were meant to be great workout buddies.

When I first called Carissa to workout with me, she gave me this long speech about how she doesn't need a workout buddy blah blah. Well then it became hey Amanda what class are you thinking of taking? I dont know yet what you have in mind? Yes we became a match made in heaven.

Carissa got me into working out 6 days a week. I lost 15lbs in the first month dropped 6 pant sizes and was looking good.  BIG THANKS TO CARISSA.

That first month of working out was hard. There were times my whole body hurt, I couldn't walk up the stairs or down, but in the end it was all worth it. I started out just lifting 5lbs which we know doesn't seem like very much but being  fat and out of shape that I was 5lbs was heavy. After just 30 mins in one class I was tired and done. But didn't want to seem like a quitter so I kept going.

First started

One morning in May 2011 I woke up and looked in the mirror and realized "Wow, I am really fat". Of course I was. I weighed 330 lbs, the heaviest I have ever been. At 5 feet 9 inches, my weight evened it self out proportionately on my body. No one could ever have guessed that I weighed that much. I really think people  lied and really didn't want to say they knew I weighed close to 340lbs. Hell I felt like I weighed close to 500lbs. So I joined My Fitness Pal totally free and I began to use their cellphone app. I thought to myself "I think I can do this"!

I started by giving myself around 1800 calories a day. But, I decided to lower my calorie intake to around 1200 calories (bad idea).  I dropped 20lbs in 2 weeks, which felt so damn good! I was also breastfeeding a 3 week old baby so losing that much weight was not good for my health. I stopped dieting altogether because I was worried I would lose breastmilk for my baby. I decided to wait a little while longer. I couldn't work out just yet cause of a C section. So I went back to old ways. I gained back 10lbs.

I figured in a few months I would start back up and see were I was going to go from there.